What do you do with your Threenager when he/she is fractious, over tired, overwhelmed, not coping with learning all the new things all the time and is generally in a bit of a grump because sometimes, being a toddler is hard bloody work?

I’ll tell you what I do with mine, I make him have a time out. Some time in the corner to calm down, take a deep breath, collect his thoughts. Or maybe I stop the over stimulation of TV and we sit quietly and do something else he really likes, like play dinosaurs or get out a relaxing jigsaw that we know he can easily do yet still enjoys. I might take a hold of his shoulders and look him in the eye and tell him that it’s ok, I understand that he is upset because he is tired and so why don’t we grab some milk, have a cuddle and hunker down on the sofa for a much needed snuggle and half an hours time out. Sometimes I see the meltdowns coming on from a mile off, other times they just appear out of nowhere.

But how about you? What do you do with yourself when you’re fractious, overwhelmed, not coping with learning all the new things all the time and generally, you’re a bit of a grump because being a mother is bloody hard work? With our children I think we are quick to spot the signs and try to put a stop to the meltdown before it begins but how often do we stop to consider ourselves? When was the last time you put yourself in the corner to have some time out, to collect your thoughts and to take some much needed deep breaths? When did you last let somebody take you by the shoulders and say it’s ok, take some time out, take a day off, get some rest, put your head down? I bet it’s been a bloody long time. And with ourselves, I think we’re so busy focusing on our offspring that we don’t always see the meltdowns coming until it’s 1am and you’re sitting on the edge of your bed in tears because you’re not sure how you can cope with much more of the sleepless nights, the sore boobs or those bloody awful teeth which cause hours of crying directly in to your ear.

A few weeks ago we had, yet again, another full weekend ahead of us. Living away from friends and family means we often spend weekends trying to see everyone leaving very little time for us to relax. It was my Mother in Laws birthday and I was really keen to see her because it had been weeks since I had. But I just couldn’t. I couldn’t remember the last time I just sat in the quiet, put my feet up and didn’t have to think (too much) about anything other than trying to just relax a bit.

So off Anthony went with both boys in tow. And it was just me. The dog had already been booked in at the dog sitters so i didn’t even have to think about her (which is a massive source of stress for me) it was literally just me. How very weird. And don’t take this the wrong way, I obviously adore my boys and I always get that thing of, it’s lovely to have a few hours off but I always bloody miss them and think about them constantly and wonder what they might be up to but I just felt like I was being an absolute shite Mom and they needed me to have this bit of respite as much as I needed it.

So I did some things I enjoy. I remembered what things made me feel like me for a little while, even if it was only for 36 hours or so. I did some drawing, I had a bath with one of my favourite magazines, some epic bath salts and a beautiful smelling candle. I sat on the sofa, with a blanket and watched a chick flick. I’m not generally good at ‘down time’, I’m easily bored but I realised that actually, down time is so non-existent these days that I really relished in it. And it felt SO good. I felt recharged, I got an actual nights sleep! I mean, clearly I still woke up every couple of hours because that’s why my body clock is now used to but I could just roll back over and go straight back off to sleep without having the anxiety of knowing I’d be back up again out of necessity in the next hour.

How long has it been since you took some ‘time off’? Can you remember all the little things you used to do in your down time? Do you have plans to take a day off soon and what are you going to be doing with it? I’d love to know so I can steal some of your ideas for my next day off which I must schedule in soon so as to avoid any more 1am meltdowns!

Image by Steve Gerrard