As a child I was quite accident prone, breaking my collar bone twice and having a green stick fracture in my arm. But I always thought trips to the hospital were cool and if you were lucky enough to come home with a sling or plaster cast that was even better.

Now I’m a mother I definitely don’t think this is cool, and a trip to the Doctors or A&E with my children fills me with fear.

Our first trip to hospital was with Elliott when he was diagnosed with infant reflux at 4 weeks old, but I won’t go into that again. The next was definitely less life threatening but I’m sure I could have won an award for my melodramatic parenting.

We’d just been out shopping to buy Elliott presents for his forthcoming 1st birthday, and as we entered the house I carried him into the lounge and sat him on the floor before turning around to close the front door behind us (which was literally a metre away). Then as I turned back I couldn’t see him. I called him half expecting him to peek behind the sofa with a cheesy grin. The next thing I heard was his cry and I knew he was by the stairs. I dashed to his side only to see his head cut and pouring with blood. If your child has ever had a head injury before you’ll know that the volume of blood is immense, even for a minor cut. And if you haven’t, be prepared. We usually have a stair gate on, but for whatever reason it wasn’t on that day, and typically I presume he’d tried to climb the stairs. Total mum fail 🙁 I’m certain in that split second he hadn’t got far, but he must’ve tried to turn around on the stairs when he heard me call him, catching his noggin on the edge of the skirting board. Ouch.

At the sight of all the blood I dramatically rushed out into the streets with him in my arms knocking on my neighbours doors screaming “help”. I can laugh (and cringe) about it now but I genuinely thought he’d done some serious damage. I also blame my hormones for my Oscar winning performance as I was 7 months pregnant with Joseph at the time. My lovely neighbour came to my rescue, calmed me down and told me to take him to the Doctors which I did. A tearful explanation, a few wipes and a couple of steri strips later and he was all bandaged up. Not quite good as new, but most definitely not anywhere near as bad as I had thought.

Joseph was next to fall victim to a cut head. scraping the back of it on the wall in our garden and then a couple of months later a bit more seriously on the radiator behind the couch. This time (poor little lad) the Oscar winning performance came from him running up to me saying I’m going to die. My heart pangs for him even now as I know how terrified he was at the sight of all that blood. Totally keeping my cool this time, I told him he wasn’t going to die and consoled both him and Elliott, who was also in tears thinking his brother was at deaths door. A swift trip to A&E as the Doctors was closed. He was seen, and glued back together almost instantly.

Quite possibly the worst accident to date is when Elliott dislocated his elbow. He and Joseph were in the garden playing on the trampoline when Joseph came running in saying Elliott had hurt himself. When I looked out Elliott was walking towards me with his arm dangling. My stomach churned as I knew he’d done something awful. Poor little chap was white as a sheet and in total shock. I don’t think he cried until he had to have it popped back in bless him. Mainly because of shock, but the gas and air he was given by the hospital to cope with the pain during the x-ray and examination most definitely helped too.

Something that I have massive mum guilt for is not being able to take Elliott to the hospital myself. Anabelle was due to wake up from her nap at any moment and needed (breast)feeding which Rob as much as he wanted to, couldn’t do. So he went with Elliott. In a way I am glad he was there with his Daddy as I know I would have been an emotional wreck watching him get pulled and prodded like that, and would have quite possibly made things worse. Even now, everything seems that bit more emotional and traumatic when you tell your mum. Or it does for me!

We are SO proud of Elliott for how he coped on the day, but even more so during his recovery. When his cast was removed after 6 weeks, he had to do daily exercises so he could straighten his arm again and build up muscle. Without prompting he did this without fail. The nurse at the rehabilitation clinic was overwhelmed by his progress and dedication. As were we.

I’m really hoping Anabelle doesn’t adopt my clumsiness and touch wood we don’t have any imminent hospital visit with her, or any more with the boys for that matter.

I literally lay awake thinking of THE MOST horrendous scenarios and ‘what ifs’ sometimes. I know I am just torturing myself but I can’t help it. Does anybody else do this or am I just an absolute loon?

Who else has had to take the little ones to the doctors or A&E for scrapes, broken bones or worse?

Image by Anna at We Are The Clarkes.