Me: “How was your day at school boys?”
Boys: “Good thanks”
Me: “What did you do?”
Boys: “Can’t remember.”
Me: “Surely you can remember something?”
Boys (*avoids question totally*) “Can I go on my iPad/computer please”

This conversation is a daily occurrence in our household, and if I say “no lets have a computer free day” they feel like it’s a punishment. Don’t get me wrong there are times when letting them play on their iPads or consoles is a godsend. I can prepare dinner and know that they are occupied and happy, but I do feel like it’s becoming an addiction. The games are designed around daily tasks, gem collecting etc to entice children to come back and if for any reason they miss their deadline it’s the end of the world.

The boys aren’t allowed to play any games or even watch television in the morning before school and again after dinner, so I suppose they have a two hour window when they can play. Is this too much, just right? I honestly don’t know.

The key to keeping our boys off their consoles is definitely keeping them occupied with other things. The glorious weather last weekend meant the boys hardly played their computers at all as we were out enjoying the sun and in the evening after Anabelle had gone to bed we played cards. The Shaw family do love a board game too.

The boys have recently reached an age (Elliott 11 & Joseph 10) where I feel comfortable (I use this term loosely) letting them play out, and I try to encourage them to knock for their friends and enjoy the outdoors more which in turn keeps them off their computers (but my nerves on edge). With the fear of sounding like my parent’s I remember when I was little all I wanted to do was play out, how times have changed!

We’re definitely learning and trying to get the balance right as I don’t want them to feel like they are being punished when I say no, but as long as they are doing their school work they deserve a little down time too right?

I currently do not allow the boys to have any on-line friends other than each other when they play for fear of them chatting to the wrong kind of people over the internet. But internet safety is a whole other Mum worry, and another post!

How often do you allow your children to play on their iPads/consoles/computers? Any tips/advice for limiting their time spent on them as I fear their addiction will escalate the older they get?