I always said I didn’t want a husband who worked away yet here I am in exactly that situation. I can’t say I like it. In fact I’d be pretty clear that I hate it but this was our decision and our compromise after having kids. It was a decision that we made together. I feel guilty for the amount of grief I give Edd about it, and I do give him a lot of grief. Pretty much daily. It is only because I want him to be here with us.

Whilst I was off on maternity leave with Molly Edd took a new job at a new company. It would offer him the career progression he wanted with a company he was keen to work for. At the time I knew his job would involve a bit of time in London whilst he was initially training but I don’t think either of us foresaw quite how much time this would be in the long run. I’m not sure if we had if he would have made a different decision.

After having Molly I went back to my old job as Account Director at an ad agency four days a week. I’m not going to lie, it was blimmin hard work. I struggled as every childcare arrangement was up to me as Edd just didn’t have that flexibility. The problem was my job also meant days in London, copious client meetings and previously very, very long days. The only saving grace (in some ways) was that when I returned to work I was already pregnant with Alice. You can read about that fun conversation here!

Whilst pregnant with Alice it was apparent that me doing my old job just wasn’t going to be possible and we made the decision that the opportunities Edd had were much greater. This would mean I had the flexibility to look after the girls and work less hours.

His new job meant long hours in the office and spending two to three nights a week away. When you have an eight month old this isn’t really ideal and even less so when we had two under two.

Somehow despite some very vocal conversations (from me) we are five years down the line and we are still in the same situation. The days are longer and the time away from home more frequent. That’s pretty shitty. Not just for me, but for Edd and also for the girls.

No matter how rubbish it is I have had to accept that Edd isn’t here in the week and that isn’t something I do lightly. If he makes it home for seven to tuck the girls in then that is a bonus. I don’t think either of us enjoy it and it is hard not to take that frustration out on Edd. Which I do on a regular basis.*

It’s tough being on my own. Yes, I get the amazing chance to be here with our girls when I know Edd misses them dreadfully but my god it’s hard. Not just physically but emotionally as well. I do get stressed and I do get lonely. I just want him here to share things with. Heck, even have him here to eat my beans on toast with!!

I learnt how to cope and how to manage routines (more on that another day). I felt awful most of the time that I couldn’t give either girl the attention they needed. I know this is the same during the day for most people but come bathtime and bedtime all I wanted was someone to help. Someone who could read Molly her story whilst I picked up an ever crying Alice. Someone to sit down with at the end of a long day.

As the years go on it throws up new challenges. I can’t get out easily on a week night unless our lovely family are on hand. I also have to manage all childcare arrangements for the days I have work meetings unless I am really stuck in which case Edd will try his best to be there. Everything has to be scheduled in Edd’s diary so he knows when I need him to be around but even things like parents evenings or sports days can be tricky. I’ve probably become quite hard, and definitely stronger than I thought, and often just don’t ask Edd to be here as I know it is difficult for him. His work just isn’t that flexible. That isn’t fair on him either as he has no idea that I’m struggling with flu or that I’ve had to arrange 5 different pick ups just so that I can get to a meeting.

You might ask why doesn’t he just take a job nearer to home? It is something we have considered but the opportunities just aren’t there. Yes I’d be happy to get by on less money but it would probably mean me working full time and then neither of us would see the girls. We could of course move to London but I don’t think that’s right for either of us. It’s a delicate balancing act. How do you make that decision? We do this for us as a family. It’s not about the money but about having the time and means to give them an amazing start in life. Those family moments that we do have together are the best. The girls adore Daddy and their excitement when he does walk through the door at bedtime makes me smile so much. I might also smile as help has arrived!!

However, no matter how hard it is I know Edd is there. He’s at the other end of the phone and will be here if I need him. I know I’ve got his support and that is invaluable.

Does anyone else have a partner who works away in the week, or do you work away yourself? As always we would love to hear all about it.
* Edd if you are reading this I’m sorry for all the grief I give you about always being at work!

Image by We Are // The Clarkes