We all know that we look at Instagram and think how perfect everyone else’s lives are. How immaculate their houses are, how perfect their children are, how they seamlessly juggle work and motherhood all whilst packing in family trips and activities. I’m very aware that my own life may look like this. The team have even nicknamed me ‘Martha’ for my domesticated and crafting abilities. However, let me tell you. My life is not always really those picture perfect squares.

As I type I am surrounded by dolls, crayons, and numerous jigsaw puzzles that will never end up back in the right box. I am covered in farmyard stickers and am pretty sure I have some porridge in my scraped back hair. The girls meanwhile are watching their third Disney film of the day whilst Alice sits in her vest and nothing else and Molly is dressed in some random get up of Pippy Longstocking striped tights, a sparkly top and tutu with every piece of jewellery she owns adorning her body. It’s an excellent look.

Getting through the day isn’t easy and I tear my hair out on multiple occasions trying to figure it all out. This motherhood malarkey is never going to be a breeze and you need a degree in juggling coupled with the negotiation skills of a politician just to survive.

My normal day goes something like this.

Blearily open my eyes at an ungodly hour as I hear some small child starting to creep towards our room. I swear I have spider senses when it comes to hearing them. Have my covers pulled off me to sounds of ‘Can we go downstairs now?’. ‘Now’. ‘Now’. ‘Now’. So off we traipse and immediately I’m getting bowls of cheerios, rounds of toast and fruit smoothies as they start the morning squabble of who gets to watch what on the telly. I use the time the kettle boils as an excuse to stand in peace in the kitchen and surreptitiously scroll through aforementioned Instagram. I’ll then join them for 5 minutes of some god awful kids cartoon before rushing back to the kitchen to start the packed lunches.

Somehow, despite being up since some time close to six am it is suddenly ten past eight and all hell breaks loose. My inner panic kicks in and I realise I now have 15 minutes to get myself dressed, girls dressed, books read, reading logs signed, teeth cleaned and all of us out the door. Somehow we manage it. You’d think I would learn, but no. It’s the same every blimmin morning. When I’m off to a meeting or photoshoot it’s ten times worse. I actually have to look presentable so need more than my usual two minute get ready time which results in mild hysteria from me and far too many ‘hurry ups’. I used to be able to breeze out the house and head off to London for meetings with global company directors without a bat of the eyelid. Now I find myself looking bedraggled after tearing up the road in the pouring rain (I obviously forgot my umbrella again!) and having accidentally catapulted Alice out the buggy as I tried to go over a pavement bump too quickly. She was fine as soon as I handed her another breakfast biscuit.

On the days they are both at school I’ll head home and do a quick ten minute clean up of the morning chaos, chuck some washing on, before settling down to work. It’s then non stop, packing in as much as I possibly can before school pick up. I’m not sure who said it gets easier with childcare when they start school. It does a bit but I can assure you three o’clock comes round very quickly. I’ve normally just had my lunch! Some days I’m dashing off to meetings and am frantically thinking through all the plans of pick up, dinnertime etc until I am home. Panicking that I actually asked someone to collect the girls.

The day definitely doesn’t end when school does. There is then swimming or ballet and that’s doubled when you have two. Why are their swimming lessons never on the same night?! Bad planning on my behalf. I feel like I spend my whole day rushing. Yes, I work from home which I am forever grateful for but there just aren’t enough hours. Either that or I am extremely disorganised.

I also feel I’m always saying ‘in a minute’ or ‘give me a second’. I feel awful for doing it.

Then comes the dreaded witching hours. Those last few hours of the day when you have the tasks of dinnertime and bathtime but the kids don’t want to play ball. I try and be organised with dinner but more often than not I haven’t had time with work and everything else so the girls have pasta. I have beans on toast. Cordon Bleu at it’s finest.

At some point around six Alice will normally have a meltdown. Full on crying, world is ending meltdown. Over anything from getting the wrong flavour petit filous to the fact that Molly sat in her spot on the sofa. More often than not there is a meltdown on the way to the bath because Molly got there before her. The girl has a hard life. I’m lucky the girls love their bath. To the point I struggle to get them out. Bedtime is also easier now they are older but I have learnt a very firm voice for when I need them to get moving up those stairs.

And then I can sit down and relax. Yeah right. I then have to tidy up the utter s**t tip of my house as who knew how much mess two mini people can really make? I have to finish all my emails that didn’t get done during the day. Then there is ironing to do, online shopping to browse and an overwhelming feeling that I didn’t accomplish as much as I should have that day. Didn’t manage to do any exercise. Didn’t spend enough time with the girls.

I’m not saying all this to try and say how rubbish my day is or to exaggerate the manicness. This is just my day. It’s probably all of our days and I want you to know you aren’t alone. I wouldn’t have it any other way though. I’m incredibly lucky in so many ways. I get to work from home and I do everything I can to have amazing days with the girls. They are the absolute best and on their best behaviour 90% of the time. I might look like Martha Stewart with my Boden obsession, cake baking skills and craft sessions but most days these are also coupled with an immense amount of mess, muddle and rushing. I wouldn’t have it any other way though as it’s part and parcel of being a mum, and I love being a mum.

And some days I win at life. We are out the door on time, I have my hair brushed and I have a day full of fun planned for Alice whilst Molly is at school. We play playdoh, we make cakes when Molly gets home and I’ve made a yummy cottage pie for dinner. There are no meltdowns and I get to take cute Instagram worthy pictures. What you won’t see if the pile of destruction behind me. But who cares really?!