Notice that I’ve placed a question mark at the end of today’s post title….Yep before you get to thinking that this article is going to end all your own toddler toothbrushing battle woes I’ll hold my hands up and honestly say that I’m at my wits end when it comes to brushing or rather battling with Hector to brush his teeth.

I considered sharing an photo of me attempting to clean his eight gnashers in the slider at the top here but the reality is that it doesn’t make for a particularly pretty image. Instead I thought sharing some images of the tools of the trade might be a bit more inspiring.

Instead this post is about me asking for your help, your pearls of wisdom in helping us both overcome Hector’s aversion to excellent oral hygiene. Have you had similar troubles with your own little ones? Did they grow out of it? Are you still battling at the bathroom sink every night?

Where to begin?

Our initial introduction to teeth brushing began gently, by giving him his own paste-free toothbrushes and heads from our own Sonicare system. He chewed on them with abandon and it probably helped with his teething discomfort too. So far so good.

We moved then to the amazing Banana flavour Brush Baby Dental Wipes which essentially is a sleeve you pop on your finger and then swipe over teeth and gums to clean and soothe at the same time. The wipes are fluoride free and are suitable from birth to 16 months so completely baby friendly. Hector loved these, possibly because Banana is one of his favourite fruits but mostly because it meant he got to bite daddy’s finger as he cleaned. Notice I didn’t necessarily volunteer myself for this activity…

As he got older and his number of pearly whites increased we felt it was time to move on from the wipes or rather Ste said enough was enough. He’d had his fill of his fingers being chomped on and so we moved towards actively brushing his gnashers. We invested in a brand new baby toothbrush and fluoride free toothpaste and this is when the trouble started.

Clearly Hector was not impressed by the transition from wipes to full scale brush and wasn’t shy about telling us about it. For a generally laid back kid who doesn’t cry all that much (apart from his first birthday party but that’s another story!) I am amazed at the wails and shouts and screams that pours from his mouth. Talk about drama! Full scale thrashing and even on some nights, breath-holding which terrifies the life out of me. To even be able to get near his mouth I’ve been reduced to holding his head firmly but gently whilst Ste and I take it in turns to brush his teeth. The subsequent sobbing that results breaks my heart and I’ve had to turn away on more than one occasion to stop him from seeing the tears in my own eyes.

We’ve tried everything. Letting him take control by allowing him to brush his own teeth, showing him how we brush ours, brushing ours whilst simultaneously cleaning his, letting him scrub ours and so on and so on.

We’ve played games, sung songs (all of the teeth variety of course), distracted him with bath toys, tickled and danced. All to no avail. I’ve even wrapped him a towel to contain flailing limbs whilst trying to clean them but this was so traumatic that I couldn’t repeat it.

But this can’t continue. During the last two weeks I’ve noticed some discolouration on his front teeth that tells me that our existing brushing efforts aren’t good enough but most of all I want him to stop associating brushing his teeth with being such a horrendous experience. Granted it’s not the most thrilling activity but it’s got to be done so why make such a big deal about it. I’m aware that as I write this that such reasoning makes no sense to a 16 month old toddler however.

Some have suggested that using a muslin cloth to rub over the teeth is the way forward but essentially this is more or less the same application as the Brush Baby wipes that we’ve tried to move on from. I’ve even considered an electric toothbrush such as this one since he loves ours so much but it seems a tad well…excessive.

So I open it up to you…have you got any tips and tricks to share that might make the whole process that little bit more bearable? Are you struggling yourselves? I’d love to hear all about it…