A few weeks ago our lovely reader Kate shared her experiences of trying for a baby and the difficulties they faced with conception. Today Kate is talking all about the First Trimester of her pregnancy so I’ll hand over to her to tell you more.

First of all I just wanted to thank everyone for all of your lovely comments on my first post! Now that I’m safely into the second trimester, I’m back today sharing my experience of the first 12 weeks – so here goes.

I think most people will agree that the first trimester is their least favourite. For me it wasn’t the sickness or the tiredness but rather anxiety that I struggled with the most. I don’t know if it’s because it took us a little while to fall pregnant, or just because of the type of person that I am but from the moment that little blue cross appeared it took all of about 2 days for me to go from being absolutely ecstatic to suddenly feeling full of worry that something would go wrong (quite different from me saying I would be grateful and enjoy every minute I know).

I spent the first few days on forums (again!) reading the brave but heart-breaking stories that people had shared and worked myself up into a mess. I absolutely hated that I felt like this and knew something had to change. I was going to become a mum in just 8 short months and was adamant that I could not spend the rest of my life worrying about things that hadn’t, and would most likely not, happen.

I made a real effort over the next few weeks to be more positive and banned myself from Google searches and my beloved forums. I had a couple of early scans after experiencing some light bleeding early on. Because of my long cycles there was some confusion over how far into my pregnancy I was. My doctor put me at 7 weeks based on the date of my last period but in my mind I knew I was more like 4 or 5. I was booked in for an early scan and what they thought was 7 weeks but turned out to be just 5. It was scary to be told that they couldn’t see what they would expect to but we went back 2 weeks later to be reassured that everything looked normal and as I expected, I was just a little further behind. I felt so relieved and although still desperate to get to the 12 week mark, finally felt like I could begin to relax and enjoy my pregnancy a little more. 

I can honestly say I do not know how people keep the news to themselves. There was no way I was keeping it a secret. I text my best friend about an hour after doing the test, and we went to tell my parents that evening. By about 8 weeks we had told all our friends and family and I even told my boss at around 10 weeks. There were moments when I felt anxious about the fact that we had told everyone so early, but personally I found it helped me to talk through my worries, and excitement of course, with everyone – plus it meant I got a little more sympathy if I was having a rough day or if I said I wasn’t up for certain events and nights out.

As I said, I was very lucky with the sickness. I was only physically sick a handful of times although I did experience constant nausea for a good few weeks. I had every intention of being super healthy while I was pregnant but in the end spent pretty much the whole time eating carbs. Cheesy mash and chips became my staple diet – probably not what the midwives recommend! But I truly believe you have to eat what you fancy during this time – that was my excuse anyway ☺ Several people admitted once I had told them the news that they had noticed the change in my eating habits and as a result had guessed – my chip eating gave me away!

By around week 10 the nausea had started to subside a little. I did begin to feel a little nervous as the scan date approached but once again we were told all looked great. The first scan is such an amazing experience. I had no idea you would be able to see so much detail and I found it incredibly reassuring how thorough they were, checking everything over. As amazing as it was, I did find it a little uncomfortable – they press down pretty hard on your stomach and bladder – which they recommend is full! For the first 10 minutes all I could focus on was trying not to pee, I’m not sure I was even looking at my baby. Once they let me empty my bladder and I could relax, of course I absolutely loved seeing our little baby wriggle around on the screen. Our hospital don’t print photos anymore because of cost cutting (I couldn’t even buy them) so we were a bit disappointed to leave with just a couple of phone pictures taken of the screen, but they will have to do.

Now of course the countdown to the 20 week scan (or 22 two weeks in my case) begins. We have decided that we are going to find out the sex and I am really desperate to know now – even if just to stop people assessing my bump and trying to guess! I feel like it will feel a whole lot more real once we know what we are having, don’t ask me why – surely my ever expanding waistline should make it feel real enough, but for some reason I feel like once we know what we’re having and can start thinking of the baby as ‘him’ or ‘her’ I will finally begin to accept that this is actually happening, and of course that means I can start planning the nursery 🙂