I wasn’t ever exactly a trend setter nor what I would call super dooper stylish but that little ounce I did have seems to have well and truly disappeared since having the girls. In short, I’m in something of a style rut.

In my old job in a busy creative advertising agency I always made an effort. We weren’t suited and booted but that didn’t mean jeans and trainers were the order of the day. Think pretty tops and blazers or cute little dresses. Now I predominantly work from home which doesn’t mean I sit in pjs but does mean jeans and my trusty Joules hoody are acceptable.

For the last five years I either seem to have been in maternity clothes, desperately trying to fit in to my old clothes or living in jeans and a sweatshirt. I also have neither the time nor inclination to do my makeup most days and normally have my hair scraped back in a messy top knot. Not really rocking the best look around then. Especially as I work with an extremely stylish bunch of people here at RMLtd.

To make matters worse when I turned up to drop Molly at school the other day I was actually wearing makeup, had managed to brush my hair and was wearing a slightly more exciting (ie. not breakfast smeared) top and had numerous people comment how nice I looked and was I going somewhere special? Oh the shame.

I dislike almost everything I own, which is stupid really as I have some nice things, but every day I just can’t seem to decide what to wear and whatever I do choose always leaves me feeling that little bit flat to be honest. I have to try a million outfits when I have meetings and normally end up back in my jeans.

The fact is most days I am chasing around after the girls and doing 101 things all at once so I need comfort and easy to throw on clothes and my washing machine doesn’t really care if I have my favourite lipstick on or not.

But that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try, surely?

This isn’t a post about my post pregnancy figure but I have never liked my figure full stop, even before the girls. Just some long standing fight I have with myself about weight and the effect of two kids really hasn’t helped. The last five years seem to have been a constant struggle between not liking my pregnancy body and trying to get back to what I feel is an acceptable weight only to find out I was pregnant again and starting the whole cycle all over. I’m finally starting to feel a bit happier but still have a way to go. Instead I am focussing on toning up and upping my exercise regime and am starting to feel more me.

Pre kids I had found a style that suited me. More fitted and classic cuts seemed to work well but now I feel self conscious when things are too fitted on my tummy. This means I’ve ended up in looser clothing which really does nothing for my figure. I am also rather tall with a ridiculously long body. This means all those lovely dresses out there just about cover my bum and I know I don’t need to dress mumsy but crop tops aren’t really going to do much for me are they? Breton stripes and skinny jeans seem to be the order of the day. I have recently invested in a nice pinafore dress and slouchy denim shirt dress. Both of which are actually rather comfy.

I think I need to take a leaf out of the Rock My Style team’s book and Marie Kondo my wardrobe.

So over the next few months I’m going to pull my socks up and attempt to sort my style out. I’ll be sharing all my lovely finds and purchases for mum, and purse, friendly outfits and accessories with you all. Who’s joining me on my style mission and any suggestions on where to start?

Image by Anna Clarke Photography