I do love nap time. If only it was for me! I can think of nothing better most days than crawling under my duvet for a little snooze but sadly that’s not to be. A few of you have asked about when to change nap times or cut them out so as usual please do share your experiences below.

I’m lucky. Both of my girls have always been good sleepers with the exception of a brief interlude between the age of 0-4 months when they didn’t quite get the concept! By about six months they had both fallen in to their own routines and were almost text book Gina Ford without me having forced anything on them. I guess they just found their own patterns. Both always had a morning, lunchtime and afternoon nap and still went down at seven for bed. That gradually wound down to just a lunchtime nap.

However, that lunchtime nap was rather substantial. At two years old both girls could happily sleep for a good three hours plus if I let them. I promise I wasn’t giving them sleeping pills! This wasn’t really a problem in the most as they went to bed on time still and for a precious few months I had both girls sleeping at the same time so I could get on with jobs.

Everything changed when Molly hit two and a half. She had started to mess around at bedtime and I knew it was probably down to her lengthy lunchtime sleep so I decided to cut this down. We then made the decision to take her dummy off her and that seemed to end her wanting to go to her bed. She did however have some ‘quiet time’ after lunch and would often be snoozing before I could do anything about it. And then something changed. She went from sleeping for three hours to nothing. Absolutely zilch with not even an attempt to have a sleep. Luckily she would still have a little sit down with a film at lunch so I got a short amount of peace whilst Alice was napping too.

Alice LOVES her sleep. So much so I am slightly concerned she has turned in to a teenager some 12 years early. She will call me to get her in the morning. I will point out here that she is in a big bed and so could get out herself but never does. When I walk in I’ll open the blind and she promptly pulls the cover over her head and say ‘I’m not awake properly yet’ or ‘Five more minutes’. The other morning I said ‘fine’ and left her to it thinking she would get up. She stayed lying in bed for 40 minutes just chilling out!!

She too hit about two and a half and started playing up at bedtime. She wasn’t being naughty but would just sit singing and chattering in bed until nearly nine and then would wake up tired the next day, fall asleep at lunch and then the whole cycle started again. I refused to cut out her nap time completely as when I do I have quite possibly the grumpiest child in the world to contend with which is no fun for anyone. So instead I let her have an hour but that still resulted in an afternoon of crying and whinging. I have now discovered an hour and a half seems to be the optimum for her. She gets just about enough of a nap and is still happy to go to bed at seven. If she misses her nap she is normally asleep on the sofa at four which is definitely not a good idea.

Waking a sleeping child is never an easy thing and I hate having to go and get her up when she loves her sleep so much. Some days she refuses to go to bed at lunch or if we are out and about I don’t worry about it now as I know she will be fine. I know I don’t have long left of the naps so I am trying to enjoy it whilst I can.

If they still went to bed on time naps would be absolutely fine but I like to have my evenings child free. I kind of need it. It’s about what works for you. I have friends kids who still nap at age four and others who stopped napping at one.

How have you found nap time and do your littles still have a good lunchtime snooze? Most importantly is it long enough for you to grab a cup of tea and get a load of washing on?!